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what my clients are saying

Harriet M.

Before signing up to be mentored by Tri fear used to be my dominant emotion, and it was in control of me.

I spent a lot of my time assuming the worst and feeling

paranoid about how others saw me. I felt a lot of shame

about aspects of myself. I was trapped in patterns of

depression and self-sabotage.

I was fully living in victim mode and was so deeply immersed in my negative subconscious beliefs that I was only aware that I was living in that mode to a minimal degree until I started the coaching program with Tri.

What was the main issue I had that made me sign up with Tri

I was paralysed with social anxiety, fear, and self-consciousness most of the time. I was consumed with limiting beliefs and residual trauma.


The main issue was being highly self-critical and not feeling good enough. I spoke harshly to myself, kept myself small, and didn’t explore my full potential or believe in myself. I often accepted less than I deserved, and did not generally have healthy boundaries.


Going through the programme I felt very supported at all times. Tri was contactable via Voxer when I needed to talk things through or support with my homework.


Tri is generous with her time – you don’t feel you are ‘on the watch’ - sessions are 2 hours long, and Tri knows that the more her clients talk, the more she can put the puzzle together and serve her clients the best. Tri recognises that those who have abandonment wounds don’t work well with being told that ‘times up ‘, and that subconscious mind work can’t be rushed.

There is space in sessions to talk, in order for Tri to understand the patterns but still space for the practical activities.


The homework requires immersion and a genuine desire to change your life. It was very effective, varied and satisfying and helped to bring about the feeling of taking back control, through learning strategies and techniques to nurture

self-love. The homework reflected the importance of taking responsibility for my own

healing. It is really nice that Tri offers a personalised hypnosis tape to carry her clients forward after the program is complete as a finishing touch.


Now that I’ve finished the True You Method my mindset is different and I am practising regular mindfulness.

I am able to put energy into the universe and believe I will get it back. I can be kinder to myself and I feel much more in control of my thoughts.


People have noticed a difference in me. I carry myself differently, and the place I find validation and stability is now generally internal rather than external.  Aged 50, synchronicity finally lined up to enable me to find Tri – and I’m

incredibly grateful that this alignment happened at all. I came across someone who was right for me on my healing journey and has made a difference to my life.

With regard to gratitude, I am able to come back to it every day, and feel very grateful to have found the program. I realised that I was able to choose to take back control of my self-limiting beliefs and get back into the driving seat. Emotional safety really is an option for me.


Please do book the complimentary call – You will feel completely at ease with Tri, and it is worth exploring whether the program is right for you and whether you are truly ready to commit to it.


Tri cares deeply about The True You Method and envisages helping people feel better, more in control and taking care of their inner child and shadows. Tri lives for what she does. She facilitates and empowers. I would always

recommend her. What Tri does goes beyond listening – it’s giving someone the whole picture of what’s going on for them and an insight into their behaviours. The True You Method really shifts trauma and pain. Tri genuinely wants people to feel

enough and to live their lives free of pain – she wants a real difference for those who are sad by helping to rewire their subconscious beliefs.

Claire M.

Before I went through my The True You Method programme with Tri, I felt completely defeated by my past - like a total victim and because of that I believed nothing would ever work out for me because “history would repeat itself”.


I had no optimism for the future, forever waiting for the worst to happen and I constantly projected the feelings of being a failure into my future dreams. I felt that I had totally lost myself to bad experiences and my biggest fear was that I was to never meet my full potential. In all honesty I was very frightened that one day I may completely give up on life all together because of this.

Committing to the program with Tri, I thought it may help me to simply “unlock my potential” but really it unlocked all the limiting beliefs I didn’t know I had that kept me from my potential! 

Initially I felt a little vulnerable but immediately excited because I know Tri was as committed  as I was from the importance she places on me needing to be committed to the journey myself.


The homework I was given was amazing because it gave me back a sense of control over my life and the direction it was going in. I like that I was being held accountable to my progression in a friendly and supportive way too.


The biggest takeaway I learned from this was: life is not linear and the lows we experience are just as important as the highs. We can learn and grow from them and reframing situations to be a learning experience is a life skill I will forever use.


My entire past now feels like a huge lesson that I needed to experience. Now I’m embracing the present and leaning into my emotions without fear, knowing that everything is nudging me closer and closer to the future I desire.

Working with Triinu is like being handed a toolkit for life and the more you use the tools you’ve learnt the easier it becomes until it's a way of life.

I would recommend working with Tri to everyone. To put simply, it saved me.

Having gained help from so many different professionals over the years for my mental health, I really felt like I was a lost cause. I had given up, no one could help me. I was wired incorrectly, and that was that…


I would have never in a million years believed that just four sessions in, these deep engrained beliefs could  be rapidly unfolding, and for the first time in my 27 years of life.. I am learning to truly love and celebrate every aspect of who I am.


It sounds cliche, but I don’t say this lightly. Tri is very different from anyone I’ve worked with before. Her strong belief in me, her dedicated commitment to my journey, and clear passion for what she does makes this challenging path one of enlightenment and enjoyment.


Tri goes above and beyond creating bespoke and unique resources to use outside of our sessions for continuation of self love and healing. This has ranged from meditations, hypnosis, and self help sheets which I listen to and use every single day!


Thank you Tri, for quite simply changing my life


I had done loads of inner work: on my own, with therapists, courses, but there always seems to be something missing. I was still overthinking, felt there was something deeply wrong with me and my only focus was to get into a relationship.

Through divine planning Tri came into my life and it is no exaggeration to say that she saved it. I had no idea how deep my insecurities were and how much of a self-loathing space and emotional pain I was in. I was so disconnected from myself. 

And again with no exaggeration in 10 weeks I feel that I have completely and utterly changed. I don’t have the same thoughts, I have days when I feel absolute bliss, I have fallen in love with myself and with my life and feel a deep deep deep inner contentment that I have NEVER felt before. My self-worth is on fire!  I haven’t felt like this for a lifetime and in my forties now!

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I am so excited about what the future holds, and absolutely believe it holds miracles and amazing gifts for me but more than that I'm just so happy to chill and be in the present moment. No rush. 


Tri is the real deal. She will go over and above. She will listen to you and knows exactly what it is that is holding you back and makes detailed notes before the session and after to get you there. She has tools as long as her arm and a heart of gold: she's completely invested in you. She was worth every penny and more!!!


Love you, Tri! Thank you for all that you’ve done for me! From my heart and soul - thank you!

Mia B.

Before working with Triinu, I was very harsh on myself and I beat myself up for everything. I procrastinated doing my work and played video games for hours, then felt guilty afterwards.


Thanks to Triinu, I realized what effect our unconscious mind has in our daily life and how important the connection to our inner child really is. I learned how to connect to her, how to take care of her, how to meet her needs. It helped me understand myself on another level - I am now aware of what my inner child needs, how I can provide her with that, and I really have a balance of play and work in my life.


I was able to get past my comfort zone with ease after our sessions. I now understand that taking breaks is healthy and having fun in the process is important. 


She helped me achieve the next level in my life and career, I am super grateful for Triinu and her passion for what she’s doing! Definitely recommend working with her!

I have been very grateful to be working with Triinu. I contacted her as I was in a place where I was struggling with my self worth and feeling quite distressed by it. These feelings felt arbitrary and I just couldn't reason why I was feeling this way.


Although I had recently experienced some health issues which I knew were contributory, Triinu helped me discover ways to address my feelings through inner child work and shadow work. Also giving me strategies to help day to day if I have a wobble! I felt very heard by Triinu, and she has a very relaxed and personable way of communicating.


I now feel much more supported by Triinu and all her work.

Lisa M.

I had been struggling to get myself motivated to finish some coursework and progress with opening up my own business. I felt stuck and I just couldn’t figure out why!


So I reached out to Triinu who got to the source of why I was struck straight away. She then helped me work through these issues of confidence and self worth during our sessions and gave me some simple exercises to complete in my own time too.


The changes within myself are incredible! I feel like a new person and I’m ready to take on challenges. My confidence has increased and I’m now a lot more motivated with my tasks.


For many months I had been putting things off and just couldn’t get going and Triinu sorted that out in just 3 sessions! She is very understanding, kind and knows what is right for you. I would highly recommend her coaching services.

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Cassie S.

Before going on a coaching session with Tri I had a problem with answering my phone - every time I would get an unknown or a private number calling me I would get extremely anxious because of past trauma. It was something that was really getting in my way especially when I was applying for jobs. Every time a potential new employer would call me I’d let it ring out as my anxiety took over.


I went to Tri with this problem to see if there’s anything she could suggest to do about it. We met on Zoom for a session, she did an NLP method on me which only took about half an hour! I was really surprised as I thought it would be something that would take a long time to overcome. Although it only took 30 minutes, I felt relaxed throughout the whole process.

After the session I remember wondering if it had helped. I thought to myself “Time will tell..” and right after that my phone rang! It was a number I didn’t recognise.

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I stopped for a second to see how I was feeling and to my surprise I didn’t have any anxiety about it. I couldn’t believe it! I answered the phone straight after realising this.


Ever since my session with Tri I have never had a problem again answering phone calls and I don’t get extreme anxiety when my phone rings anymore.

Donette W.

Triinu is insightful, patient and a keen listener. All qualities of a great coach, however what makes her so special is that she is passionate about her work and genuinely cared about my results. 


Working with Triinu has helped me tremendously in gaining insight into my own path as Coach. She has helped me to release some limiting beliefs that were preventing from advancing to the next chapter of my journey and I truly appreciate that.


After working with her I had a clear path and action steps needed to start my client attraction process. I highly recommend working with her, she was the perfect psychological reinforcement I needed to jump start my career and I am happy I got to work with her.

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