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Hey, I'm Tri

My story is filled with broken pieces, terrible choices and ugly truths. It’s also filled with an empowered comeback, peace in my soul and grace that saved my life..

my story.

Like many girls, I grew up believing I was not enough.
That I wasn’t lovable enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, and that there was something inherently wrong with me.

Too many times I got my journal ready to embark on a healing journey just to quit a few days later. Not long after my (quite possibly) 765th attempt to heal and love myself another false belief was born: this is just the way my life is going to be for me - feeling like I’m broken, wired wrong, faulty and somehow having to usher through all the anxiety and depression it brings me.


You see, even when I made life outside of myself super comfortable and got the best partner, I found myself constantly bitter about the past and anxious about the future

Then (drum roll, please)… chaos hit. I got made redundant.

And the carefully and systematically repressed feelings about scarcity and not enoughness tore my world wide open.

I had two options: sink or swim. And I chose the first.

Until a few days later when I stumbled upon an Neuro-linguistic certification program and it, you know… changed my life!


I learnt how the brain works and how it can sabotage your growth and healing, something I had unknowingly become a world class pro at.


For the first time ever, I put my foot down and I said ENOUGH! to my own bullshit. I took a conscious decision to prioritise self-care, self-love, self-acceptance and I kept that promise to myself. I found the key that opened the cage I was in - I had held it in my own hands all this time!

I started advising my friends on how to do the same and realised - THIS is what I’m here for. To serve women who, just like me, were made to believe they were not enough and who defined themselves and the world around them by that lie.

I want each woman to be able to step into their power and live life on their terms.
I want each woman to transform the beliefs that are holding them back to the ones that encourage them on each step they undertake.
I want each woman to accept themselves so much they do not give a flying tomato’s arse what other people think of them.

But I’m not here to fix you. 

Because you cannot fix what isn’t broken and you, my gorgeous, are not broken.

If you resonate with my story and are interested in how I can support you in becoming the best versions of yourself, click the below button.


my certifications.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP is divided into three concepts: neuro, linguistic, and programming.

Neuro: our nervous system, or our mind, which we use to experience the world, through our senses: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory and gustatory.

Linguistic: the language and other communication we use to store experience and give it meaning, including the following things we experience inside our mind: pictures, sounds, feelings, smells, tastes, internal dialog.

Programming: discovering and using the programs, patterns and strategies we run in our mind to achieve our goals. In other words, NLP is how we use the basic language of our mind to consistently achieve the results we want in life.

NLP has also been referred to as the study of subjective experience and “the lost user manual to our mind”.


Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to rewire your  unconscious mind, which runs approximately 90% of your thoughts, behaviours, actions and so much more. From the ages of 2-9 our brain waves are between Alpha and Theta, and the latter are the same brain waves one would have under hypnosis. No wonder we believe everything in such a young age! Yes, believing in Santa isn’t anything to be concerned about but what if the beliefs you took on were: I’m not enough, I don’t belong, I am unlovable, I am not worthy…

But hypnosis is a powerful tool to regain our power and take back control over these sinister subconscious beliefs that keep holding you back from the life you are truly meant to live and love you are meant to experience.

By getting our conscious mind into a calm and relaxed state, we are able to bypass its critical thought process and speak directly to the subconscious where we can reprogram the thoughts, beliefs and behaviours.

TIME Technique

TIME (Time Integration for Maximum Empowerment) is a set of techniques born out of the field of NLP. It is used to release negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, eliminate negative beliefs rooted in the past so they wouldn’t affect your present and future and program your unconscious mind for a successful future.

TIME Technique’s is extremely powerful (and definitely one of my favourite techniques!) because it allows you to release things from the past without having to associate to the root cause.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT or tapping,  is a therapy technique loosely based on the techniques of acupuncture. It can be used to help with physical problems like headaches, cramps, but also emotional challenges like anxiety, low vibrational mood, and so much more. It is also used to tap on the goals you have not yet received in order to break through the mental resistance around them.

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